Behind the Scenes

Behind the (Secret) Scenes of Lebanese Sports (9)

Preparations for Sports Federation Elections: Several parties have begun planning and preparing for the sports federation elections that will take place after the Olympic Games in Paris next summer. Monitoring the Lebanese National Soccer Team: Soccer observers are following news of the Lebanese national team's participation in the Asian Cup, ...

Behind the (Secret) Scenes of Lebanese Sports (10)

- A discreet meeting between officials of a team sports club was held to understand the reason for the team's recent decline in performance. A number of decisions were taken, including the suspension of two players. - Coach Alen Abaz became the only foreign coach to lead a basketball team (Hoops) after the resignation of coach Ziad Natour. - At ...

Behind the (Secret) Scenes of Lebanese Sports (11)

- Reports are circulating of a plan by some to nominate a northern activist for the presidency of the Lebanese Volleyball Federation in the elections to be held in a few months' time, but the chances of success are not high. - It seems that things are not going well between a major federation and a first division club after last season's major ...

Behind the (Secret) Scenes of Lebanese Sports (12)

- A discreet meeting was held in a restaurant on the Batroun coast to discuss the resignation of a member of the administrative committee of a major sports federation. Rumors are circulating that the resigning member may be reconsidering his decision. - A prominent referee is keeping a close eye on what is happening in a major federation, ...

Behind the (Secret) Scenes of Lebanese Sports (14)

- A member of Parliament from the North Metn region covered the cost of a dinner organized by a well-known volleyball club, amounting to USD 15,000, in the presence of political, economic and sporting figures. The former mayor, who had confirmed his presence along with 40 people, boycotted the event due to differences of opinion with the ...

Behind the (Secret) Scenes of Lebanese Sports (16)

- A cold handshake took place between the current president of the Lebanese Olympic Committee, Pierre Jalkh, and his predecessor, General Souheil Khoury, on the sidelines of a recent press conference. - A major dispute has arisen between members of an individual non-Olympic discipline, prompting the federation's president to organize individual ...

Behind the (Secret) Scenes of Lebanese Sports (17)

- The president of a well-known federation and his treasurer succeeded in removing the federation's general secretary from his post. They informed a president of an individual sports federation and a sports activist of their position. The activist was not satisfied with what he heard from the two officials. - A businessman from a large club in a ...